November 17, 2023

Indoor activities for your pets during the winter months

The winter can often mean more time spent indoors for us and for our furry family members. There are many benefits to spending time…
November 6, 2023

How to teach a cat to wear a harness

Have an adventurous kitty who always loves to be by your side? Or a feline friend who begs to go outside? In this blog…
October 31, 2023

Touch the target – Enrichment game for cats

Does your cat ever get the “zoomies”? Although this behaviour is quite normal, it can also be an indicator that your furry friend is…
September 5, 2023

Nutritional needs after kitten spay/neuter

It’s important to understand your kitten’s changing nutritional needs…
August 28, 2023

Cat body language: What is your cat saying?

Knowing how to understand your cat’s body language is valuable. This information can help you understand what the cat is communicating, and then how…
April 27, 2023

Guide to bathing your cat

Cats are the original advocates of self-care – napping, pampering, and relaxing! So when it comes to bathing, cats rarely need a bath.   …
March 27, 2023

Feline asthma isn’t keeping Leo from loving life

When Leo, an 11-year-old cat, arrived at the Ontario SPCA Lennox & Addington Animal Centre in Napanee, the animal care team could tell that Leo…
February 28, 2023

How to recognize stress in pets

Did you know that just like humans, our furry companions can also experience stress? Here are a few pointers in identifying stress in your…
September 27, 2022

5 fall pet hazards you wouldn’t expect

As we step further into fall, with the crunch of leaves beneath our feet and our paws, it is important to be aware of…
September 9, 2022

Nutritional tricks for older cats

Do you have an older cat? You’re not alone – approximately one-third of cats in Canada are senior or mature. While there is some…