May 9, 2023

How much water should your cat/dog be drinking?

Water is an essential nutrient for all living things. It helps regulate body temperature, lubricates and protects internal organs and joints, moisturizes the air…
April 27, 2023

Guide to bathing your cat

Cats are the original advocates of self-care – napping, pampering, and relaxing! So when it comes to bathing, cats rarely need a bath.   …
February 27, 2023

How to get your cat to love their bed

You’ve decided the old, worn-down cardboard box your cat adores is ready for an upgrade. After a bit of research, you’ve selected what you…
August 29, 2022

Managing anxiety in cats

One minute our feline fur babies can be relaxing on a perch, the next minute the zoomies have struck, and they are running around…
August 26, 2022

Cat care: Supervised outdoor time

Everyone is trying to enjoy the summer in their own way, and cats are no exception! Have a cat who wants to explore the…
May 23, 2022

How to train your cat to wear a collar

You may typically associate collars with dogs, but cats can also be trained to wear them. In addition to microchipping, a collar with identification…
March 15, 2022

8 foods that are harmful to cats

Cats are curious creatures who sometimes have a way of sneaking a snack they shouldn’t. Do you know which common foods in your kitchen could…
March 1, 2022

Litterbox breakdown: troubleshooting litterbox issues

Guest blog by Dr. Juanita, Scientific Communications Veterinarian with Royal Canin Canada When I think about cat health, I often think…
November 29, 2021

6 styles of play for your cat

Did you know that while a cat’s natural instinct is to hunt and play, not all cats play the same way? To help encourage…
August 24, 2021

Common causes your cat may be missing meals

When the dinner bell rings, many people expect their feline friends to make a dash for the dinner bowl. If you’re noticing your cat has…
May 17, 2021

Tips to motivate your cat to get active

Humans are not the only species that can feel like everyday life is monotonous, especially in the current pandemic. Our feline companions can also experience…


For every animal you save

For every animal you save, every animal who feels loved in their last moments, and for everything else you do; thank you and God Bless.
