Why a black cat could be the best fit for your family!

by | Pet Planning |

black cat
photo credit: hehaden A bundle of energy! (Explored) via photopin (license)

As the end of October draws near, the excitement begins to build for Halloween! Even the grouchiest ghouls can’t resist the fun of costumes and candy. Many pet owners enjoy dressing up their pets or cuddling up on the couch with a spooky movie. But did you know that October is the purrr-fect time to consider adding another member to your family?

In the past, black cats have been the source of many myths and tall tales. There are even superstitions surrounding black cats in different cultures around the world. From the times of Greek mythology through the Middle Ages, black cats have been associated with the underworld and dark magic.  Just like throwing salt over your shoulder to ward off bad luck or walking under a ladder will sour your day, thanks to science we know these superstitions are just plain silly. We know that regardless of the colour, all cats are equally loveable and unique!

If you’re thinking a furry feline friend is in the cards for you this October, adopting is as easy as 1-2-3.  Take our Meet Your Match® survey to find a frighteningly perfect fit! You can also come to one of our adoption centres and take a peek to see if there’s a cute cat that makes you cackle with delight. Do a quick search in our Community Directory to see a list of Animal Centres and find the one nearest you.

Make this a howlingly great Halloween with your new best friend!


Thank you so much for all you do

Thank you so much for all you do every day to rescue animals in need. I can’t imagine the terrible situations that you see every day.  It is great that you have the heart to help. Keep up the good work.
