Donna and Peter made their initial donation to the Ontario SPCA after the passing of their beloved dog Dalwood, memorializing him with a plaque at our York Region Animal Centre.
Since learning more of our other work in the province, they have made additional donations and a three-year pledge commitment to our Provincial Dog Rehab Centre campaign. This donation also memorializes Dalwood at the new site.
Peter’s work history involved working extensively in Northern Ontario, and as such he’s extremely interested in our programs supporting the North, partnering with dozens of communities to help pet overpopulation and bring critically needed animal welfare services to the remote north.
We love all animals (dogs in particular). Yet, we know that many animals need help, through no fault of their own. Therefore, the welfare of animals has become our cause of choice and the Ontario SPCA our charity of choice to help lost, abused or abandoned animals find their chance for a happier life and a forever home. Caring for animals simply makes the world a better place, and we’re happy to do our part.
On behalf of the animals, we thank Donna and Peter for the generous support they provide.