September 23, 2022

Is your furry friend a picky eater?

Picky pooches and finicky felines   Picky pooches and finicky felines can be challenging for their human companions when it comes…
September 16, 2022

Travelling with your cat + Four Canadian adventure cats to follow!

If you love to travel, adventuring around the country can be a fun and exciting activity. Whether it be travelling for necessity, such as…
September 9, 2022

Nutritional tricks for older cats

Do you have an older cat? You’re not alone – approximately one-third of cats in Canada are senior or mature. While there is some…
August 29, 2022

Managing anxiety in cats

One minute our feline fur babies can be relaxing on a perch, the next minute the zoomies have struck, and they are running around…
August 26, 2022

Cat care: Supervised outdoor time

Everyone is trying to enjoy the summer in their own way, and cats are no exception! Have a cat who wants to explore the…
August 18, 2022

5 tips to keep cats healthy

As a cat parent, you will always want what is best for your fur baby. With plenty of tips and tricks out there, we’ve…
August 9, 2022

Make visits to the veterinarian Fear Free for your cat

Visits to a veterinary facility can cause fear, stress, anxiety and frustration for your pet, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
May 23, 2022

How to train your cat to wear a collar

You may typically associate collars with dogs, but cats can also be trained to wear them. In addition to microchipping, a collar with identification…
May 9, 2022

Choosing tailored nutrition for your kitten’s healthy growth

Have you ever wondered why it is not recommended to feed kittens an adult diet? Royal Canin offers some insight as to why a…


Wish to thank everyone involved

I wish to thank everyone involved in the care and rescue of animals, especially volunteers.
