December 18, 2020

Ways to protect your Christmas tree from your cat

Christmas trees and cats tend to have a tumultuous relationship. Christmas trees provide a great hiding place for cats looking to observe their surroundings from…
December 15, 2020

Healthy habits, healthy cats: Introduction to puzzle feeders  

Sponsored by our friends at Royal Canin In the wild, cats use a great deal of physical and mental activity for locating,…
November 19, 2020

Feline good! Tips to introduce a cat to your home

Your sweet kitty cat is coming home! You and your family can’t wait for her to arrive and start playing with her new…
September 21, 2020

How much exercise does my cat need?

Making sure your cat is healthy and happy includes exercise and playtime. Our friends at Royal Canin Canada have a great resource for weight…
September 15, 2020

Keeping your indoor cat happy – Animal Care Tips with Royal Canin

What does your indoor cat need to be happy? There are a few things you should know that will help you care for your…
August 25, 2020

Visual enrichment for your cat

As more and more businesses reopen, and many of us return to work, it’s important to think about how this change will affect our pets.
August 7, 2020

How to make your indoor cat happy

Sponsored By Ursula Leonowicz ©2020 Postmedia Network Inc. A couple of weeks ago I noticed that Glam, my tuxedo cat, was less frisky…
June 4, 2020

Helping your cat maintain a healthy weight

As we begin to resume more of our more pre-pandemic routines, our schedules are likely quite different than they used to be. The same…
May 26, 2020

How to grow cat grass indoors

Looking for activities to do while the family is spending so much time inside? Why not take up growing cat grass – either for your…
May 25, 2020

The joys of kittenhood: Socialization tips for you and your kitten

Our new online tool, Shelter Health Pro, has a wealth of information on all kinds of things – including kitten socialization! We’re going to…
March 31, 2020

How to clicker train your cat

Interested in teaching your cat a few tricks while you practice physical distancing from other humans? Clicker training your cat You can use clicker training…
November 7, 2019

Behind the scenes: Shelter enrichment & socialization – cats

A few weeks ago we shared with you tips for shelter enrichment and socialization for dogs. Now we’d like to give you a behind the…


For every animal you save

For every animal you save, every animal who feels loved in their last moments, and for everything else you do; thank you and God Bless.
