Empathy for animals is what makes Ontario SPCA volunteers shine

by | Campaigns Interesting |

Empathy is at the heart of Volunteer Canada’s National Volunteer Week, which runs from April 24-30, 2022 and it’s a trait every Ontario SPCA and Humane Society volunteer brings to their role. Our volunteers are not just donating time, they are changing lives. 

Empathy helps people relate to one another and connects people to different emotions, ideas, and actions. It is about seeing the world through the eyes of others. Empathy builds capacity, strengthens hearts and forms unbreakable bonds. Our volunteers understand the emotions and struggles of the animals they are helping through their service. 

Ontario SPCA volunteers give back in so many different ways. Did you know that, in a typical year, over 1,000 trips are made by empathetic volunteers who buckle up and roll out to help animals? These dedicated drivers transport animals to find new homes and take them to appointments to receive medical care. 

Animals in our centres awaiting adoption would not be able to receive the regular exercise, care, play, and love they do without our volunteers. These dedicated folks go on an average of 3,100 walks each year that dogs eagerly look forward to, and they provide 5,600 enrichment activities to cats in a typical year to keep them socialized and happy. 

Our foster family volunteers embody empathy every time they generously open their homes and hearts to furry friends who need their love and comfort. They dedicate themselves to comforting these friends who are on their way to finding forever homes. In a typical year, 112 foster families will be the change needed for animals who need extra TLC and a quiet environment to thrive. 

Ontario SPCA volunteers provide their time in so many different ways. Volunteering to help with education sessions, driving animals, assisting with clinics, providing online services and content or even taking photos for campaigns. In a typical year, over 350 animals are photographed by volunteers. 

Volunteers give their time for may different reasons, but the one we hear most is that they want to give back to their community. They embody empathy and we can’t thank them enough for everything they do for animals! Happy National Volunteer Week to our inspiring, hard-working volunteers who are making a difference in the lives of animals every single day. 

To read more about just a few of our incredible volunteer stories, check out:

Barb’s story, one of our long-time volunteers,

Linda Morgan’s milestone of fostering 100 cats and counting, 

Or Lea’s account of getting a timid cat to trust her, just in time for her kittens to be born!

Send a heartfelt message

We invite you to join us as we celebrate our volunteers by marking this special week to recognize their amazing work and dedication. Click here to send our volunteers a heartfelt e-card to tell them how much you appreciate the work they do!


Interested in volunteering? Learn more at ontariospca.ca/volunteer


We have supported the OSPCA since 1951

We have supported OSPCA since our arrival in Canada in 1951.  Keep up the greatest  T.L.C. for animals.

-Paul & Des