November 27, 2018

Who adopted who? Elderly woman takes adopted senior cat with her everywhere in a stroller

In the summer of 2018 Heather adopted Rosie from the Ontario SPCA Provincial Education and Animal Centre. Rosie, a…
November 23, 2018

Cecil finds a perfect place to call home

Cecil was in rough shape when he first came into the care of the Ontario SPCA Lennox and Addington Animal Centre as a…
November 23, 2018

Is your Doghouse Ready for Winter?

  As temperatures drop and we pull out our coats and cozy up by the fire - we need to make sure our furry friends…
November 22, 2018

Northern Dog Transfer story, Charlie: A Thanksgiving Miracle

The Lindbergs lost their beloved family dog last May and after a grieving their loss they felt it was time to adopt aga…
November 20, 2018

Do your part to end pet overpopulation – Spay/Neuter your pets!

Pet overpopulation is an issue in Ontario. Our two spay/neuter services are open to EVERYONE and currently have litt…
November 15, 2018

Marijuana & Your Pets

By: Guest blogger Dr. Ryan Llera Marijuana is now legal for you to use. For years, people have been lighting up an…
November 14, 2018

Adopt Some Senior Love

Imagine sleeping in on a Saturday morning with a warm body curled up nearby emanating a musical masterpiece of soft s…
November 13, 2018

Holiday season adoption tips – Podcast

With the holidays just around the corner, we wanted to share some adoption tips for all those hoping to adopt a pe…
November 9, 2018

Helping your Adopted Cat – and Existing Pets – to Accept Each Other

Adjusting to a new home can be a frightening and anxious experience for a cat who may have been bounced from one or m…
November 5, 2018

Get to know our November Second Chances Calendar Stars – Dee and Quin!

Meet Dee, a Quarter Horse-type mare, who is 13 years old and finally healthy and strong. When Dee was found, she…
November 2, 2018

Make a difference in an animal’s life this holiday season!

Give a homeless animal the gift of a loving home and a family to call their own during the national iAdopt for the…
October 30, 2018

See the new “working cats” pilot program in action!

One of the goals of the Ontario SPCA when rehoming animals is to find the right home for each animal in its care. …


We have supported the OSPCA since 1951

We have supported OSPCA since our arrival in Canada in 1951.  Keep up the greatest  T.L.C. for animals.

-Paul & Des