March 1, 2018

What is Fix Your Pet Month all about?

It’s that time of year again – Fix Your Pet Month! This is a program of the Ontario SPCA’s encouraging people…
February 26, 2018

Happy National Cupcake Day! – How to submit funds

Happy National Cupcake Day™! We can’t wait to see all of your pictures and hear how you’ve fundraised to hel…
February 22, 2018

Less than a week till the sweetest day of the year! It’s not too late to participate or donate

We can barely contain our excitement – National Cupcake Day™ for SPCAs and Humane Societies is next Monday! If you …
February 16, 2018

Dental health and pets – Horses, dogs and cats

February is Pet Dental Health Month, and an important time to raise awareness about your pet's health! Today we're shar…
February 15, 2018

How to introduce your pet to a new baby

First impressions are important for most interacts, but especially when it comes to introducing your fur baby to…
February 12, 2018

Doggie Date: Celebrating Valentine’s Day with your cuddly canine

A special part of having a pet is celebrating the holidays with them. On Christmas we buy them gifts, for Hallowee…
February 9, 2018

How to fit your dog for a winter coat

During the cold months, it's important for your pet to get exercise, but it's also important for them to be protec…
February 8, 2018

Who doesn’t like cupcakes? Recipe from Mary Berg, host of Mary’s Big Kitchen Party

The incredible Mary Berg is this year’s National Cupcake Day™ Champion and we couldn't be more excited! Mary …
February 5, 2018

Congratulations to our Cupcake Day “Refer a Friend” Contest winner!!

Thank you to everyone who entered our National Cupcake Day™ Refer a Friend Contest! We're excited to announce the …
February 2, 2018

Super Bowl Sunday pet safety tips

The Super Bowl is coming up this Sunday and we want to make sure you are prepared to enjoy the event safely with y…
February 1, 2018

Meet Hunter, Leo, Tando and Rocco – this month’s Calendar Stars!

These crazy furry friends have quite the story! Meet Hunter, Leo, Tando and Rocco, who are siblings who came into…
January 31, 2018

Benefits of pets for our mental health

In light of this month's focus on mental health (and Bell Let's Talk Day), we wanted to share some resources about the …


As an animal lover all the work you do

As an animal lover all the work you do to help ensure that every dog and cat can find their forever home that is filled with love is greatly appreciated.
