May 15, 2023

Why does your dog whine?

All dog parents probably hear their dog whine from time to time, but some hear it more often than others.  In this…
May 9, 2023

How much water should your cat/dog be drinking?

Water is an essential nutrient for all living things. It helps regulate body temperature, lubricates and protects internal organs and joints, moisturizes the air…
October 28, 2022

4 ways to build your fearful dog’s confidence

Does your dog get scared of new people or environments? Today we’re sharing four helpful ways to build your fearful dog’s confidence. …
September 27, 2022

5 fall pet hazards you wouldn’t expect

As we step further into fall, with the crunch of leaves beneath our feet and our paws, it is important to be aware of…
July 22, 2022

When is it too hot to walk your dog?

Summer is finally here, which means time outside enjoying the beautiful weather. But when is it too hot to walk your dog or take…
June 23, 2022

How to prepare your dog for stays with a sitter

With summer quickly approaching, pet parents may be preparing for weekend getaways or evenings out, which may mean enlisting in the services of a…
March 4, 2022

Tips to deter your dog from scavenging during walks

Do you find your dog scavenges for items to eat on your walks? If daily walks are interrupted by your dog picking up sticks,…
January 24, 2022

Winter grooming tips for your dog

How does winter impact your dog’s grooming routine? In Canada’s harsh winters, exposure to cold air and snow can cause dry, itchy skin, cracked paws…


Thank you for your dedication

Thank you for your dedication to helping the animals.  Every animal deserves a loving home and to be treated royally.  Just imagine a day without animal cruelty.  What a wonderful day that would be!
