May 5, 2023

How does my pet select their food?

Ever wonder how animals decide what they like to eat? And why a furry friend that wants to eat beef or salmon off your…
April 10, 2023

Tips to entice fussy pets

Guest blog by Royal Canin  Even with the freshest, most palatable food options, sometimes pets can still be fussy. The good news is…
February 3, 2023

Cold weather worries for your dog

Sponsored by Royal Canin There seem to be two types of dogs: those that see the first few flakes of snow and decide that…
December 6, 2022

Healthy Habits: Is your pet at their ideal weight?

Do you know what a healthy body looks like in your pet? Furry friends come in so many shapes and sizes it can be…
November 4, 2022

Healthy Habits: Healthy growth for puppies and kittens

Did you know that like human infants, our furry friends have growth curves, too? These charts help us to make sure our pets stay…
October 7, 2022

Healthy Habits: Working activity into your pet’s daily routine

Who doesn’t love playtime? It can be the key to keeping your furry friend stimulated and living a healthy life. However, playtime doesn’t look…
September 9, 2022

Nutritional tricks for older cats

Do you have an older cat? You’re not alone – approximately one-third of cats in Canada are senior or mature. While there is some…
August 5, 2022

Why does my vet start to look jumpy when I talk about feeding raw?

Guest blog by Juanita Glencross, Royal Canin  My goal today in tackling this difficult conversation is to simply offer some insight…
July 5, 2022

Why is there animal fat in my pet’s diet?

Guest blog by Dr. Juanita Glencross, Royal Canin   It seems like lately I have been getting more questions about why a…
June 3, 2022

Choosing tailored nutrition for your puppy’s healthy growth

Guest blog from Royal Canin Canada   Why is it not recommended to feed puppies an adult diet?  …
May 9, 2022

Choosing tailored nutrition for your kitten’s healthy growth

Have you ever wondered why it is not recommended to feed kittens an adult diet? Royal Canin offers some insight as to why a…
April 5, 2022

Healthy portions: Tips to dial in your pet’s nutrition 

Today we’re sharing a helpful resource from our friends at Royal Canin Canada to help your furry friend maintain an optimal weight, which will…