Sweat for Pets Week 10… the final challenges!

by | Campaigns Sweat for Pets |

Doggone it… week 10 of challenges is here but you can still help animals in need!

We’re almost done! Week 10 of our Sweat for Pets campaign is here. Although it’s definitely not too late to join us and help animals in need. Together we have raised over $65,000 but every dollar counts and your support will give animals the second chance they deserve, like Molly.


At nine months old, Molly fell out of a moving vehicle and shattered her femur. Thus, she needed major surgery—an expense her family couldn’t cover.

Later, the clinic called us and asked if we could help and there was no way we were going to turn sweet, young Molly away. She had a plate and six screws put into her femur and required weeks of underwater physiotherapy. Molly worked hard and made a full recovery. Her new family has worked hard to give her the love she deserves ever since.

Every challenge and every dollar raised provides thousands of animals across the province with a second chance. Over the past 10 weeks, the community has come together to help these animals while completing some fun challenges. Now many animals will get the love and care they deserve. You too can make happy endings like Molly’s possible by donating today.

Read about some of our past Sweat for Pets challenges!

Week 3 Challenge   —   Week 5 Challenge    —   Week 6 Challenge


Thank you for your dedication

Thank you for your dedication to helping the animals.  Every animal deserves a loving home and to be treated royally.  Just imagine a day without animal cruelty.  What a wonderful day that would be!
