Introducing an anxious dog to people and pets
Having a nervous or anxious dog can create some challenges when introducing them to other people or dogs. Being a pet p…
Nutritional tricks for older cats
Do you have an older cat? You’re not alone - approximately one-third of cats in Canada are senior or mature. While th…
Giving cats a second chance with the Second Chance Pet Network
The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society helped to transfer 36 Northern cats in August, bringing the total number of cats tr…
Back to school? The Ontario SPCA shares tips to help animals cope with change
Stouffville, ON (Sept. 1, 2022) – The kids are back to school and while getting into a new fall …
Managing anxiety in cats
One minute our feline fur babies can be relaxing on a perch, the next minute the zoomies have struck, and they are runn…
From Fear to Joy: Dolly’s story of rehabilitation
Dolly came into our care frightened and wary, unsure of herself and everyone around her. With love, care, and rehabilit…
5 tips to keep cats healthy
As a cat parent, you will always want what is best for your fur baby. With plenty of tips and tricks out there, we’ve…
Make visits to the veterinarian Fear Free for your cat
Visits to a veterinary facility can cause fear, stress, anxiety and frustration for your pet, but it doesn’t have to …
Curious about Doga? It’s worth checking out!
Yoga has been gaining popularity over the last couple of decades thanks to its amazing physical and mental health benef…
Long weekend fireworks can spook your pet! Top tips to keep animals calm and safe
Stouffville, ON (July 27, 2022) – With the Civic holiday weekend approaching, the Ontario SPCA a…
25 U.S. dogs arrive at Ontario SPCA animal centres in need of loving homes
Transfer brings total to more than 150 dogs brought to Ontario for re-homing this year
How to prepare your dog for stays with a sitter
With summer quickly approaching, pet parents may be preparing for weekend getaways or evenings out, which may mean enli…