Snip, snip, hurray! The Ontario SPCA performs its 150,000th spay/neuter procedure
Stouffville, ON (Aug. 8, 2023) – As it celebrates its 150th anniversary, the Ontario SPCA and …
Why balloons are dangerous to pets and wildlife
Summer brings baby showers, graduations, wedding season and many other outdoor celebrations in abundance. These events …
More bark than bite: Changing dogs’ barking habits
A dog's bark can be very useful; for showing their human something they want or need, or to warn of a possible intruder…
Behind the scenes of helping VIP animals find forever homes
You may have noticed the “VIP” status on our adoption page, which stands for “Very Important Paws.” These furry…
What your rabbit’s body language is telling you
If you’re considering adopting a rabbit, or if you already have one in your home – it’s important to understand r…
Firework safety tips to keep pets safe
Everybody loves a long weekend – including our furry friends! It means more quality time with the people they love. B…
Provincial Dog Rehabilitation Centre gives deaf dog a second chance
When Beam arrived at the Ontario SPCA Midland & District Animal Centre in September 2022 from a shelter that was at…
Tips to overcome your dog’s resource guarding
Being able to understand playful versus aggressive behaviours in your dog when it comes to protecting his favourite toy…
Meet our VIPs available for adoption
Thinking of adopting? While you’re on the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society’s Animal Adoption page, you’ll notice t…
Victoria Day activities for you and your pets
It’s Victoria Day! We hope you are ready for a day filled with fun and we have a few suggestions on how you can inclu…
Why does your dog whine?
All dog parents probably hear their dog whine from time to time, but some hear it more often than others.
In this …
Tips to deter your dog from scavenging during walks
Do you find that your dog scavenges for items to eat on your walks? If daily walks are interrupted by your dog picking …