Back to school: Separation anxiety and pets
With the school season coming back in full swing, your family will be adjusting to the new schedule – and that includ…
How to find the right pet trainer
Bringing a new furry friend into your life is super exciting, but it also means taking on some responsibilities. Animal…
Patient Paws: Helping animals find their loving homes
Every animal deserves a loving home. At the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society, we strive to find a home for each animal t…
Test Volunteer Page
Welcome to our volunteer program!
Joining our volunteer team directly impacts the lives of the animals in our care and…
Understanding canine body language
While some pets enjoy meeting new people and animals, others prefer their own space, and the company of those they are …
Putting the lid on garbage hazards
There is something very enticing about a garbage can to animals. Whether from boredom or looking for additional food, o…
Spotlight on Dr. Jill Kirk: The Ontario SPCA’s new Chief Veterinary Officer
We recently said goodbye to our Chief Veterinary Officer, Dr. Stephanie Black, who has chosen to move on to a new role …
Dos and don’ts of using a pet door
Pet doors are a great way to give your furry friend the freedom to enter and exit the house without your assistance, pr…
How to handle jumping
Jumping is a common training challenge and is usually attention-seeking behaviour. Unknowingly we might "teach" our dogs to jump up on us by rewarding them each time they do so.
Key tips to stop dogs from destructive chewing
Does your dog chew on things they shouldn’t? You’re not alone. This is a very common issue for pet parents.
Celebrating National Volunteer Week: Long-time volunteers reflect on 25 years of helping animals
Volunteers are at the heart of the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society, and this Volunteer Week, we want to recognize and c…
Ontario SPCA Animal centre key enrichment features
At the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society, we are committed to ensuring the well-being of every animal in our care. This d…