March 9, 2023

Why Do Dogs Get the Zoomies?

Your furry friend is racing around the house as if being chased by an invisible playmate. It started with a play bow and then…
March 3, 2023

Puppy and kitten fragility

Puppies and kittens receive immune protection (maternally derived antibodies – MDAs) by drinking their mom’s first milk called colostrum. While human babies receive immune…
February 23, 2023

How can I tell if my animal’s incision is healing properly?

February is Spay/ Neuter Awareness Month! After your best furry friend has had a spay or neuter surgery, you may be wondering what the…
December 19, 2022

What to expect when caring for a deaf dog

Dogs, like humans, can experience varying degrees of disabilities throughout their lives, and while some are quite noticeable, hearing loss is one disability that…
September 23, 2022

Is your furry friend a picky eater?

Picky pooches and finicky felines   Picky pooches and finicky felines can be challenging for their human companions when it comes…
September 15, 2022

Introducing an anxious dog to people and pets

Having a nervous or anxious dog can create some challenges when introducing them to other people or dogs. Being a pet parent of an…
August 8, 2022

Curious about Doga? It’s worth checking out!

Yoga has been gaining popularity over the last couple of decades thanks to its amazing physical and mental health benefits. Regardless of your age…
August 4, 2022

Ontario SPCA invited to provide input on standards of care for outdoor dogs

The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society is committed to creating a brighter future for animals, which is why when we see a win for…
July 1, 2022

A guide to fireworks for the anxious doggo

For many people, fireworks have lost their sparkle as their long-term effects on the environment, as well as human and animal health become better…
June 3, 2022

Choosing tailored nutrition for your puppy’s healthy growth

Guest blog from Royal Canin Canada   Why is it not recommended to feed puppies an adult diet?  …
May 17, 2022

Changing Nikita’s life began with building trust

When Nikita came into the care of the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society, she was anxious and fearful of people and new environments. She…


Three cheers for the volunteers!

Three cheers for the volunteers! Keep doing wonderful work, thank you!
