August 3, 2018

Civic Holiday: Firework safety and pets

The long weekend is nearly here! We couldn't be more excited, and neither could our pets. Whatever you're planning for …
July 31, 2018

DIY Cat Toys: The ultimate cat scratcher

Your cat will go crazy for this amazing cat scratcher! Watch the DIY video and let us know how your toy turns out…
July 30, 2018

CONTEST: Test your No Hot Pets knowledge for a chance to WIN!

Find out how much you know about our No Hot Pets campaign in this quiz! Finish the quiz and you'll be entered to w…
July 26, 2018

Highlighting Friends for Life! Walk Fundraisers – Lynda from Orillia!

With five adopted cats and three dogs, Lynda certainly is an animal lover! 2018 will be the fourth year Lynda has…
July 23, 2018

No Hot Pets Photo Contest: How do your pets keep cool?

Our third week No Hot Pets contest is all about fun in the sun - or water! We want to see how your pets love to keep co…
July 19, 2018

Pet-friendly business? Join our registry today!

To help spread awareness about the dangers of leaving pets unattended in vehicles, and to assist pet owners, the O…
July 17, 2018

Meet Bowie. Thanks to you, he had a second chance & new family

When Bowie adopted his family, he was ready for his new life.  But he got there because of amazing people like yo…
July 16, 2018

Why does your dog whine?

All dog owners have probably heard their dog whine at least once in their lives together, but some hear it more of…
July 13, 2018

Will you help Phoenix find his forever home?

Every dog deserves to run and play, but getting around has been a painful struggle for Phoenix. Transferred fro…
July 12, 2018

Dog walking techniques

There are many ways to teach your dog how to walk by your side - and many tools to assist you! Here are a few dif…
July 9, 2018

Parrots as pets: To have or have not?

Considering adopting a parrot? Careful consideration before adopting, including research and planning, plus plenty…
July 5, 2018

Watch the Provincial Animal Transfer Program at work

On Friday, October 7th, a plane carrying 58 community dogs in search of new homes arrived at the Peterborough Airp…


Thank you for your dedication

Thank you for your dedication to helping the animals.  Every animal deserves a loving home and to be treated royally.  Just imagine a day without animal cruelty.  What a wonderful day that would be!
