Positive reinforcement training helps dogs be their best
Are you trying to teach your dog something new, or decrease unwanted behaviours? Try positive reinforcement training! I…
How to brush your dog’s teeth
Brushing your teeth is a part of your everyday routine. But what about brushing your dog’s teeth?
If you’ve put …
What’s the big deal with spay/neuter?
Did you know the pet overpopulation issue is a direct result of animals left unaltered? Spaying and neutering is helpin…
10 tips for a successful adoption
Dogs are exceptional animals, and their ability and desire to form deep and loving bonds with humans is extraordinary. …
Anxiety, pets, and mental health
Can your companion animals suffer from anxiety? The ASPCA has a very helpful blog outlining “Can Pets Suffer from Anx…
Feline fun: Advance your cat’s cues
Back in the summer, we shared some easy cues to teach your cat. Once you’ve mastered those cues and are looking for m…
A new beginning for three dogs living on the streets
For dogs Ryan, Regina and Rory, the idea of a cozy home to call their own was a far-off dream. Scrounging for food and …
How can you support cats this holiday season?
We have been sharing a lot of ways you can help vulnerable dogs lately, but what about cats?
There are many m…
Ontario SPCA supporters pledge $60,000 Giving Tuesday matching gift to help build Provincial Dog Rehabilitation Centre
Ontario SPCA supporters pledge $60,000 Giving Tuesday matching gift to help build Provin…
Leash pulling and reactivity: Dog training tips
Imagine you’re walking down the street with your pup, and you see someone else walking their dog ahead of you. Your d…
No More Shying Away: Rex’s Rehabilitation Story
Rex’s future was bleak when he arrived at the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society. He had spent his life in a small cage …
How will your pandemic pet react to Halloween? 5 safety tips from the Ontario SPCA
How will your pandemic pet react to Halloween? 5 safety tips from the Ontario SPCA