Anxiety, pets, and mental health
Can your companion animals suffer from anxiety? The ASPCA has a very helpful blog outlining “Can Pets Suffer from Anx…
The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society urges caution in cold weather to keep animals safe
The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society urges caution in cold weather to keep animals safe
4 ways to enjoy New Year’s Eve with your companion animal
New Year’s Eve can be a fun time for both you and your furry friend! With a few small tweaks, you can have the best t…
The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society kicks off its iAdopt for the Holidays adoption campaign, presented by Swiffer®
The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society kicks off its iAdopt for the Holidays adoption campaign, present…
Happy International Rabbit Day – Week!
This week, we’ve been all ears for rabbits! We have many rabbits in our care right now who are waiting patiently f…
Five days in a van: Ontario SPCA team member refuses to leave lost dog behind
When a dog in your neighbourhood gets lost, neighbours pull together to help reunite them with their family. But what h…
Keeping veterinary visits Fear Free®!
Many people report their animals appearing distressed or uncomfortable during visits to the veterinarian. The sight…
Media release – Helping pets adjust to your return to school and work
Back to school and work? The Ontario SPCA offers tips to help pets cope with the change
Post-COVID separation anxiety and your pets
During lockdowns in Ontario, we have spent much more time at home with our animal companions. Our fur babies offered em…
The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society is here to support individuals and families who need to re-home thei…
How to train your dog to not bark at cars
Going on walks with your dog is a great form of exercise, mental stimulation, and an opportunity to bond with them. Wal…
Heading on one of these 5 adventures this summer? Here’s how to keep Fido safe
Heading on one of these 5 adventures this summer? Here’s how to keep Fido safe