How will your pandemic pet react to Halloween? 5 safety tips from the Ontario SPCA
How will your pandemic pet react to Halloween? 5 safety tips from the Ontario SPCA
Shy kitten? Tips from a foster volunteer to help build trust
There is nothing so rewarding as watching a timid, shy cat flourish into an affectionate, loving companion animal. This…
Keeping veterinary visits Fear Free®!
Many people report their animals appearing distressed or uncomfortable during visits to the veterinarian. The sight…
Media release – Helping pets adjust to your return to school and work
Back to school and work? The Ontario SPCA offers tips to help pets cope with the change
Post-COVID separation anxiety and your pets
During lockdowns in Ontario, we have spent much more time at home with our animal companions. Our fur babies offered em…
Boehringer Ingelheim are big believers in the human-animal bond
Boehringer Ingelheim is the presenting partner of the gameification at the 2021 Change for Animals Conference – and a…
The Ontario SPCA seeks foster volunteers willing to care for vulnerable animals
The Ontario SPCA seeks foster volunteers willing to care for vulnerable animals
Generous donation makes outdoor dog runs possible for the Sudbury & District Animal Centre
Exciting changes are underway for the dogs at the Ontario SPCA Sudbury & District Animal Centre. Over the last few …
5 common car hazards for your pet this winter
During the winter, there are many hazards you need to be aware of for your furry friends, not least of which are vehi…
Ontario SPCA and Humane Society shares 5 tips to keep pets safe in cold weather
Ontario SPCA and Humane Society shares 5 tips to keep pets safe in cold weather
Stouffville, ON (Ja…
Tips to help your new dog or puppy adjust to their new home
You’ve just adopted a dog or puppy from your local Ontario SPCA animal centre, and now it’s time to bring them home…
What is the ‘Fear Free®’ program all about?
Did you know the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society uses a special program called Fear Free® at its animal centres across…