October 5, 2020

Five tips to keep your pet healthy

Sponsored by our friends at Royal Canin As with your own health, ongoing preventative care will help prevent larger problems down the road. It…
October 1, 2020

Young entrepreneur makes BIG impact for animals!

We want to tell you about someone really special. After attending a summer camp hosted by the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society and seeing the…
September 28, 2020

World Rabies Day 2020

World Rabies Day is September 28th, 2020 and the focus is on vaccination and collaboration. Rabies is a viral disease that causes swelling in…
September 24, 2020

Sweat for Pets was a huge success – Thanks to you!

Our Sweat for Pets campaign was a huge success this year – thanks to you! We’re putting down the weights and dabbing the…
September 22, 2020

Getting ready for a new season – It’s time for fall!

Summer has come to an end and fall is officially here! This change in season is an exciting time to make new memories with…
September 21, 2020

How much exercise does my cat need?

Making sure your cat is healthy and happy includes exercise and playtime. Our friends at Royal Canin Canada have a great resource for weight…
September 15, 2020

Keeping your indoor cat happy – Animal Care Tips with Royal Canin

What does your indoor cat need to be happy? There are a few things you should know that will help you care for your…
September 10, 2020

Adoption tips: Dog-to-Dog Introductions

Planning to bring home a new dog? Here are some helpful adoption tips for dog-to-dog introductions. Introducing two unfamiliar dogs can be a stressful event…
September 8, 2020

Lovely received life-saving care thanks to you

Life-saving procedures like the one that saved Lovely’s life are sadly not available in many remote Northern communities, where the closest veterinarian might be hours…
September 7, 2020

Separation anxiety and companion animals

As we enter into the unknowns of this back-to-school season, our furry friends may notice the change in our schedules. As more people go back…
September 3, 2020

Five common poisonings in pets

Sponsored We love our pets … with all the fun … and the not-so-fun things they do! Despite constantly keeping an eye on our…
September 1, 2020

Foster’s story: From a stray, to a therapy dog

We have someone really special we’d like you to meet! Lee Thompson has been a volunteer with the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society for…


Three cheers for the volunteers!

Three cheers for the volunteers! Keep doing wonderful work, thank you!
