October 30, 2018

See the new “working cats” pilot program in action!

One of the goals of the Ontario SPCA when rehoming animals is to find the right home for each animal in its care. …
October 27, 2018

Halloween Safety Tips for you and your pet

Are you ready for some frighteningly good fun this Halloween? While you're enjoying the candy and costumes, be s…
October 26, 2018

Why a black cat could be the best fit for your family!

As the end of October draws near, the excitement begins to build for Halloween! Even the grouchiest ghouls can't…
October 25, 2018

Close to 40 animals transferred to Sudbury from Northern Ontario

On October 19, close to 40 animals were transferred to the Ontario SPCA Sudbury and District Animal Centre with t…
October 22, 2018

Fun fall recipes for your pet

If you're craving apple pie and all things pumpkin spice, then you'll love these pet-friendly fall recipes to treat…
October 19, 2018

How to cope with fall shedding and your pet

For some of our pets, fall is a season where there’s a lot more hair being thrown around. So if you’re seeing tumbl…
October 18, 2018

Cold weather tips for you and your pet!

It's hard to believe our warm weather days are fading and frosty mornings are on the way! Brush up on your pet care…
October 16, 2018

How to Choose a Dog Trainer

Taking your dog - and your family - to dog training classes is a wonderful and fun way to help you understand how you…
October 15, 2018

How to disinfect pet care items after a boarding visit

During the cooler weather, many people take vacations or plan to visit family for the holidays.  This can mean ta…
October 12, 2018

Pumpkin-flavoured season? Fall diet tips for pets

Are you a PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte) fan? If you love the flavours of the season or not, here are some tips on if t…
October 11, 2018

Celebrating our RVTs: Spotlight on Maureen

This month is RVT (Registered Veterinary Technician) month across Canada, and we want to celebrate our amazing RVT…
October 9, 2018

Spaying/Neutering IS the solution to pet overpopulation

Pet overpopulation, especially cats, is an issue in Ontario. Spaying and neutering IS the solution. We currently hav…