April 12, 2024
Designing a Pet-Friendly Yard: A haven for furry friends
Creating a pet-friendly yard isn't just about designing a space; it's about crafting a haven where our beloved companio…
February 15, 2024
Selecting the right toy for your dog
It’s important for your canine companion to have enrichment, but selecting the perfect toy involves more than just gr…
December 21, 2023
“Cool” test: How to tell if your dog is too cold
No matter what the weather, your dog probably enjoys having a romp outside – and that includes during the winter! But…
August 21, 2023
No Hot Pets Campaign: Top three takeaways
After a successful six weeks, the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society and participating SPCAs and humane societies across t…
September 16, 2022
Travelling with your cat + Four Canadian adventure cats to follow!
If you love to travel, adventuring around the country can be a fun and exciting activity. Whether it be travelling for …
September 6, 2021
Tips for a safe Labour Day with pets
Whether you've been waiting for this weekend, or it snuck up on you, we'd like to give you tips to have a safe Labour D…
July 26, 2021
The benefits of brushing your furry friend
Fur, fur everywhere! Summer is here, and you may notice your dog shedding out their winter coat. While you may decide i…
June 17, 2021
Ontario SPCA teams up with community members in Cornwall to protect local geese
In the spring and summer, it’s not uncommon to see flocks of geese crossing roads with their goslings trailing along …
September 22, 2020
Getting ready for a new season – It’s time for fall!
Summer has come to an end and fall is officially here! This change in season is an exciting time to make new memories w…
August 11, 2020
Selling your home with pets around
Putting your house up for sale can be a stressful and hectic time for everyone. Developing a plan on how to accomplish …
August 30, 2019
10 tips for a safe Labour Day with pets
Can you believe Labour Day is already here? Perhaps you’re planning a final summer get-together with friends and are …
June 10, 2019
How to assist emergency responders with pets in cars
Pet owners are responsible for the safety of their animals at all times. This includes when at home and while travellin…