How to clicker train your cat
Interested in teaching your cat a few tricks while you practice physical distancing from other humans?
Clicker trainin…
Understanding the importance of your cat’s litter box
Sponsored by our friends at Arm & Hammer.
Each year, millions of cats are surrendered to shelters due to litter bo…
Does my cat really love me?
Cats can be tricky pets to understand. Dogs let you know regularly that you are the centre of their universe and shower…
Helping your Adopted Cat – and Existing Pets – to Accept Each Other
Adjusting to a new home can be a frightening and anxious experience for a cat who may have been bounced from one or m…
City of Oshawa Animal Services are stepping up to help feral cats in their community
In November, 2017, the City of Oshawa endorsed a two-year pilot Trap-Neuter-Return-Manage program. As part of this prog…
February is Dental Health Awareness Month
Did you know that February is Dental Health Awareness Month for our pets? The Ontario SPCA and our friends at Royal Can…
Indoor activities for your pets during the winter months
The winter can often mean more time spent indoors for us and for our furry family members. There are many benefits to s…
The incredible power of your dog’s nose
Have you ever marvelled at how your dog can sniff out treats from a mile away or detect that you’ve had a snack, even…
Thinking of adopting a VIP animal? Read the FAQs about VIPs
If you’ve been thinking of adopting an animal from the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society, you may have noticed the VIP …
Give the gift a loving home this holiday season
It’s the most wonderful time of the year – the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society’s iAdopt for the Holidays campaign…
Adopting a senior animal: Agatha’s story
Have you ever thought about adopting a senior animal? Senior animals make wonderful companions, but sadly many are over…
How to teach appropriate greetings when your dog meets a stranger
It’s common for many dogs to be unsure and wary of new people. Teaching your dog how to appropriately greet a strange…