September 3, 2021

28 Northern cats and kittens arrive in Toronto in search of the purr-fect home

IMMEDIATE RELEASE Toronto, ON (Sept. 3, 2021) – After travelling close to 1,700 kilometres, a group of 28 cats and kittens from Northern Ontario…
September 3, 2021

Introducing your puppy to an older dog

Having an older dog as a companion is a wonderful thing. Not only are they more likely to be housetrained and have good doggie manners,…
August 27, 2021

Puppy’s first bath: Making it a paw-sitive experience

When a new puppy enters your life, it’s a delight to watch them as they learn about the world around them! Giving your puppy their first bath is…
August 26, 2021

Korean dog finds second chance and forever home

Gwendolyn’s journey began over 8,000 miles away, and her future was grim. Thanks to international partnerships, she now has a second chance and a forever…
August 25, 2021

Media release – Helping pets adjust to your return to school and work

IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Back to school and work? The Ontario SPCA offers tips to help pets cope with the change  Stouffville, ON (Aug 25, 2021) – With school…
August 24, 2021

Common causes your cat may be missing meals

When the dinner bell rings, many people expect their feline friends to make a dash for the dinner bowl. If you’re noticing your cat has…
August 23, 2021

How to prepare your dog for kids going to college

The transition from summer into a school semester can be hectic for everyone involved – but what about our animals? How do they feel…
August 20, 2021

Cross-border partnership helps over 100 animals find homes

The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society is changing lives south of the border through a partnership that is giving a new leash on life to animals in…
August 19, 2021

Post-COVID separation anxiety and your pets

During lockdowns in Ontario, we have spent much more time at home with our animal companions. Our fur babies offered emotional support during…
August 16, 2021

A blind cat’s search for a furever home – Rico’s story

Finding the perfect adopter for an animal sometimes takes time, patience and a loving commitment to finding the perfect match. That’s what it took for Rico to find his human. …
August 9, 2021

My itchy dog: When is it too much?

Guest post by Royal Canin Every dog is an individual, with unique behaviours and habits. It’s important to remember that what is “normal” for one…
August 5, 2021

Guinea pigs Ginger and Fifi are inseparable

Have you ever been apart from someone you loved and missed them so much it hurt? How about even minutes apart being unbearable?…


For every animal you save

For every animal you save, every animal who feels loved in their last moments, and for everything else you do; thank you and God Bless.
