August 1, 2019

Peter Rabbit’s hoppy tale

Rabbits are a special kind of companion. They are curious, gentle and always on the lookout for… tacos? At least that’s the case…
July 30, 2019

Helping homeless and their pets

For the most part, homeless pet owners provide the animals they care for with love and companionship, but they often lack the financial ability to…
July 26, 2019

DIY projects with the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society!

In need of some fun DIY projects for your summer plans? Look no further! Check out the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society DIY playlist on…
July 25, 2019

Become a virtual walker in this year’s Friends for Life! Walk™

Want to participate but can’t make it to your community’s walk or there isn’t a walk in your community? Support the Friends for Life!…
July 19, 2019

How to de-skunk your dog

Finding out your dog has been sprayed by a skunk is no fun for either of you and often leads to hours of bathing and…
July 16, 2019

Register for the 2019 Friends for Life!™ Walk!

The Friends for Life! Walk™ is a major fundraiser for the Ontario SPCA & Humane Society and its Affiliates. By lacing up and collecting pledges…
July 15, 2019

Dog ramp helps trapped raccoons get to safety

A few weeks ago, animal control officers for the Town of Orangeville were called about a mother and three young raccoons stuck in a dumpster.
July 12, 2019

Apple the parrot finds her perfect match in her new home!

We love hearing adoption updates from our communities! Here’s one that’s a little bit different from what we may normally share – it’s about Apple…
July 11, 2019

Flow of Life – Animal Rescue Kit for Car Trapped Pets

What do you do when it’s the hottest day of the summer and you come across an animal locked inside a car? The sun…
July 9, 2019

Vote for your favourite Ontario SPCA Holiday card!

We want to hear from you! Vote for your favourite Ontario SPCA 2018 Holiday card, so we know which ones to use this year!…
July 8, 2019

The power of enrichment: London’s Story

When I first started my co-op at the Markham Cat Adoption and Education Centre (CAEC), I was told there would be a strong emphasis…
July 5, 2019

After 8 years waiting for a home – Blackjack won big

Blackjack was one of 70 cats transferred from Second Chance Pet Network in Dryden, Ontario, on May 8th, 2019. He had been in…


Thank you for your dedication

Thank you for your dedication to helping the animals.  Every animal deserves a loving home and to be treated royally.  Just imagine a day without animal cruelty.  What a wonderful day that would be!
