November 4, 2021

Why is bloodwork needed pre-spay/neuter surgery?

A common question we receive at the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society’s two spay/neuter services locations is “Why does my pet need bloodwork before their…
September 24, 2021

Happy International Rabbit Day – Week!

This week, we’ve been all ears for rabbits! We have many rabbits in our care right now who are waiting patiently for a loving family to…
September 13, 2021

Keeping veterinary visits Fear Free®!  

Many people report their animals appearing distressed or uncomfortable during visits to the veterinarian. The sights, smells, and sounds of a veterinary office can be unsettling to some animals. Being handled by…
September 6, 2021

Tips for a safe Labour Day with pets

Whether you’ve been waiting for this weekend, or it snuck up on you, we’d like to give you tips to have a safe Labour Day…
July 5, 2021

Tips for your first week home with your newly adopted pet

Adopting a new dog or cat is very exciting. That furry friend you’re giving a second chance to becomes family, as well as a companion. But…
June 24, 2021

Pride Parade fun with furry friends

The Pride Parade in Toronto, a 40-year tradition celebrating the LGBTQ2S+ community, will be held virtually on June 27 from 2 to 3 p.m., as the culminating celebration of Pride Month. If…
June 14, 2021

What kind of music does my pet like?

Music has a way of tapping into our emotions in the most profound way. When we listen to music, we can feel the melodies,…
May 21, 2021

COVID-19 litter can pose a dangerous threat to animal safety   

Face masks, gloves and cleaning wipes have become a part of our routines, but they shouldn’t be a part of the routine for wildlife…
April 2, 2021

Healthy habits, healthy weight

Guest post by Royal Canin Choose the right diet The first step in preventing obesity in pets is to feed the appropriate level of…
March 22, 2021

How do ticks affect dogs? Tick prevention for your dog

As we transition into spring and start spending more time outside with our pets, it is important to remember some tick prevention tips for your…
March 15, 2021

What can guinea pigs play with?

Guinea pigs are gentle, social creatures who love to play. They love fun activities in and outside of their cages that keep them…
March 11, 2021

Top 3 daylight savings tips you need to know as a pet parent!

Daylight savings time can be difficult to adjust to, even for your furry friends. The time change means a change to their routines and feeding…


Wish to thank everyone involved

I wish to thank everyone involved in the care and rescue of animals, especially volunteers.
