June 1, 2020

Pet tips: Grooming your pet from home

Looking for more grooming tips heading into the Spring season? Here are some helpful blogs to get you started. https…
May 28, 2020

Calming Anxiety in Pets – with their sense of smell!

The COVID-19 pandemic is a stressful and anxious time for everyone in our households, even our pets, who must a…
May 26, 2020

How to grow cat grass indoors

Looking for activities to do while the family is spending so much time inside? Why not take up growing cat grass - eith…
May 25, 2020

The joys of kittenhood: Socialization tips for you and your kitten

Our new online tool, Shelter Health Pro, has a wealth of information on all kinds of things - including kitten socializ…
May 18, 2020

Victoria Day activities for you and your pets

Victoria Day may be looking very different for us this year, but it doesn't mean we can't celebrate in our own way! Her…
May 15, 2020

Leave a Legacy Month – Linda’s story

Linda’s love of animals began at a young age. Maybe the same is true for you. Linda’s family always had animals …
May 8, 2020

Emergency planning for your pets

Due to COVID-19, our everyday life is much different than it was a month ago, and so is your pet's. Pets are truly a…
May 7, 2020

Are you prepared for a pet emergency? Remi’s story

Remi has a special bond with his little human. Amanda's daughter has special needs and before adopting Remi had a robot…
May 4, 2020

5 tips to help pets return to their normal routines after COVID-19

IMMEDIATE RELEASE 5 tips to help pets return to their normal routines after COVID-19 The Ontario SPCA and Humane So…
May 4, 2020

Leave a Legacy Month: Stories of impact

May is Leave a Legacy Month, so we wanted to share with you a few stories of people who have chosen to make an impact f…
May 1, 2020

Surrendered pup, Benny, finds his forever family

Sarah and Michael lost their dog of 19 years just a few months before meeting Benny. He was surrendered to the Ontario …
April 30, 2020

Commonly Asked Questions Regarding Spay/Neuter: Quarantine edition

Listening to health professionals and the Government of Canada, the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society made the decision i…


Three cheers for the volunteers!

Three cheers for the volunteers! Keep doing wonderful work, thank you!
