June 14, 2021

What kind of music does my pet like?

Music has a way of tapping into our emotions in the most profound way. When we listen to music, we can feel the melodie…
June 11, 2021

20 U.S. dogs get a new leash on life through Ontario SPCA re-homing mission

IMMEDIATE RELEASE  20 U.S. dogs get a new leash on life through Ontario SPCA re-homing mission  Dog transport is …
June 11, 2021

Who do you sweat for? Sweat for Pets honours our beloved pets

Sweat for Pets, the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society’s virtual fundraiser, takes place from May 25th to June 25th, and…
June 10, 2021

Is overstimulation causing your cat to act out?  

There you are, enjoying a moment, absentmindedly patting the kitty on your lap, when suddenly she takes a swipe at …
June 7, 2021

Honour your animals on World Pet Memorial Day

Our animals give us so much and ask so little in return. Give them food, shelter, and loving care, and they’ll provid…
June 4, 2021

What’s your cat’s personality?

Guest post by: Royal Canin Every cat is an individual, with unique personality traits and habits. So it’s importan…
June 1, 2021

Meet Sheeba, a service dog full of love!

Meet Sheeba. Sheeba was transported from a remote Northern community to find a home through the Ontario SPCA and Humane…
May 31, 2021

25 photos that sum up working from home with animals

Working from home over the last year has been an adjustment for many people, but our furry friends are sure happy they …
May 28, 2021

Juniper and her adopter go on the adventure of a lifetime

Juniper needed a home. Stefan was looking for someone to join him on hiking adventures. They soon discovered they go to…
May 25, 2021

It’s time to Sweat for Pets!

Today is the official start of the Sweat for Pets campaign! Lace up those running shoes and sprint over to sweatforpets…
May 25, 2021

Up for the challenge? The Ontario SPCA kicks off its Sweat for Pets virtual fundraiser

IMMEDIATE RELEASE Up for the challenge? The Ontario SPCA kicks off its Sweat for Pets virtual fundraiser Stouffville,…
May 21, 2021

Our first dog transport of the year was a success!

We are very excited to share with everyone that our first transport of the spring 2021 season was a success! This week,…


Thank you so much for all you do

Thank you so much for all you do every day to rescue animals in need. I can’t imagine the terrible situations that you see every day.  It is great that you have the heart to help. Keep up the good work.
