June 14, 2019

What to do if you find an orphaned deer

This sweet little guy was found by a member of the public, and thankfully animal control officers for the City of Markh…
June 11, 2019

New Federal Animal Welfare Legislation Announced

On Monday, June 10th, Canada made history with the passing of a federal bill, phasing out and banning the practice of h…
June 11, 2019

Myth busting the grieving process

Our relationships with pets are unique — a heart-warming devotion that goes both ways, between pet and human. This ab…
June 10, 2019

How to assist emergency responders with pets in cars

Pet owners are responsible for the safety of their animals at all times. This includes when at home and while travellin…
June 7, 2019

Ontario SPCA Animal Rescue rallies organizations together to aid dog trapped in flood

As flood waters sweep through many communities across the province, the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society is on high aler…
June 6, 2019

Pet Insurance to the Rescue

Guest blog by Petplan® Now that you have given your best friend a forever home, it’s time to give your pet forever …
June 4, 2019

Tips for how to communicate with your cat

June is Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat-Month, so we want to help ease your communication worries for when you bring that new furry…
June 3, 2019

Introducing Milo – Our June Animal Rescue Story!

Allow us to introduce you to Milo, a sweet kitty with a lot to say… Milo’s new family says he insists on adding hi…
May 31, 2019

Ontario SPCA and Humane Society Summer Events

There are many exciting events happening throughout the summer at Ontario SPCA and Humane Society animal centres across…
May 30, 2019

Celebrate International Hug Your Cat Day with Wulfgar the hugging cat!

Meet Wulfgar - The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society cat who loves to give hugs! Back in May, 2015, the Ontario SPCA P…
May 28, 2019

Buckle Up! Dangers of driving with pets loose in your vehicle

As the weather gets warmer, we may be bringing our pets with us to the cottage, beach, or ice cream shop - and it's imp…
May 27, 2019

Compassion doesn’t have an age limit

When Glenn Laycock met a senior cat named Katie, he had no idea what an impact she would have on his life – even if t…


As an animal lover all the work you do

As an animal lover all the work you do to help ensure that every dog and cat can find their forever home that is filled with love is greatly appreciated.
