October 15, 2021

The Superhero Frolich family builds feral cat shelters

What would it be like to be a cold cat in the winter? This was the question on the Frolich family’s mind when they decided…
October 14, 2021

Working cat finds perfect fit at family owned auto parts warehouse

When Melissa Gerard adopted Leo through the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society’s Working Cat program, her main goal was to take care of the mice…
October 11, 2021

Diabetic cat, Molly, finds forever home and new family

Diabetic cat, Molly, was looking for a special home to call her own. Months went by without any interest, but she never lost hope. If…
October 7, 2021

Healthy habits, healthy cats: This is not a hairball!

Sponsored by Royal Canin Did you know? Healthy cats do not vomit hairballs! A healthy cat should be able to handle a normal amount…
October 1, 2021

Never give up hope – Ritchie and Scooter’s story

Ritchie had given up hope. Born with a deformity that left him unable to straighten his leg, he just wasn’t catching the eye of adopters.
September 17, 2021

Shy kitten? Tips from a foster volunteer to help build trust

There is nothing so rewarding as watching a timid, shy cat flourish into an affectionate, loving companion animal. This journey takes time, patience…
September 16, 2021

Texas cats make 2,500-km journey to find forever homes

We’ve been sharing updates about dog re-homing initiatives that the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society has been organizing with our partners in the United…
September 14, 2021

Life-changing impact: Provincial Dog Rehabilitation Centre

Bandit’s spirit was broken when he arrived at the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society. He hid under his bed, shaking with fear when anyone approached. Dogs like …
August 20, 2021

Cross-border partnership helps over 100 animals find homes

The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society is changing lives south of the border through a partnership that is giving a new leash on life to animals in…
August 5, 2021

Guinea pigs Ginger and Fifi are inseparable

Have you ever been apart from someone you loved and missed them so much it hurt? How about even minutes apart being unbearable?…
July 30, 2021

Cuteness overload: Animals and their best friends

Everyone needs a best friend! Especially in these hard times. Even our companion animals are seeking a furry bestie to hang out with. …
July 29, 2021

Take a tour of our animal transport trailer!

Have you ever wondered how we safely and comfortably transport dogs thousands of kilometres from remote Northern communities to areas of the province where…


For every animal you save

For every animal you save, every animal who feels loved in their last moments, and for everything else you do; thank you and God Bless.
